Sabtu, 09 Januari 2016

Grenjengan Kembar

Photo by M Aziz A P

“GrenjenganKembar” is a name in Javanese Language. “Grenjengan” is meaning waterfall, and “Kembar” is twice, so, “GrenjenganKembar” is twice waterfall. Yes, that is because this waterfall consist of two waterfall adjacent. In this vacation also have another waterfall (smaller) be 30 meter from prime waterfall. GrenjenganKembar have 18 meter high.

Photo by Andika S

GrenjenganKembar Waterfall is located in Citran, MunengWarangan Village, Pakis, MagelangRegecy, Province Central Java, Indonesia. This location distance17 km from Magelang city, and 56 km from Yogyakarta city. This waterfall located in Merbabu Mountain National Park.

Photo by M Aziz A P

From basecamp (Citran), we must walk by footstep 0,5 km far. We can enjoy fresh air in the journey. We will meet a bamboo bridge (good view to take a photo), and pine forest, before we arrived to the waterfall.

Photo by M Aziz A P

Really that is a very beautiful landscape of waterfall. So, enjoy the adventure of unseen beauty of Indonesia.

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